Articles in international journals

  1. Hadad, S., Shamir-Inbal, T. & Blau, I. (2023). Formal and informal teacher professional development during different COVID-19 periods: The role of teachers’ career stages. Professional Development in Education. 1-17 (Q1)
  2. (2023). The learning expectations of teachers in different professional development periods. Professional Development in Education. 49(1), 123-124.(Q1)
  3. Knowledge and planning among teachers integrating digital game-based learning into elementary school classrooms. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 32(2), 239-255. (Q1)
  5. Teachers’ pedagogical implementation of the National Large-Scale Assessment (NLSA): Improving and advancing teaching-learning processes. Quality Assurance in Education, 31(2), 313-330. (Q1)
  6. Shamir-Inbal, T., & Blau I. (2022). Typology of digital leaders’ responsibility for leading innovations as a part of educational reforms: Insights from metaphors’ analysis. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(4), 92-107. (Q1)
  1. & Hayak, M., (2022). Attitudes toward the integration of digital games into instruction in teacher education colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 21, 623-638. (Q1)
  2. 2022). Professional communities as a framework for the professional development of teachers’ mentors – the forums at the MOFET Institute: Attributes that affect the Forum’s success. Iyunim BeMinhal UBeIregun HaHinuch, 37, 284-316. [Hebrew] (A)
  3. From a Caterpillar into a Butterfly”: Using Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory to conceptualize the mobile-learning adoption process in teacher education in the COVID-19 era”. Education and Information Technologies, 27, 12811-12838. (Q1)
  4. Educational equity amidst COVID-19: Exploring the ICT-related learning challenges of Bedouin and Jewish female preservice teachers in Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 111, 1-14 (Q1)
  5. Perceptions of senior academic staff in colleges of education regarding integration of technology in online learning. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 21, 77-94. (Q1)
  6. ., & Hayak, M., (2021). Teachers’ perception of the adoption and implementation of digital game-based learning (DGBL) into their classroom teaching. International Journal of Game Base Learning (IJGBL), 11(1). 17-30. (Q2)
  7. Avidov-Ungar, O., Dahan, O, & Serlin, R., (2021). Expansive learning in joint inter-institutional communities of practice for teacher educators and policymakers. Frontiers in Education, 6. 1-12. (Q3)Article 5333941.
  8. Pathways to a knowledge society: A proposal for a hierarchical model for measuring digital literacy among Israeli pre-service teachers. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19(3), 118-132. available online at
  9. . Hayak, M. & Cohen S., (2021). Role perceptions of early childhood teachers leading professional learning community who are a part of the early childhood new policy. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 22(1), 225-237. (Q1)
  10. , & Arviv-Elyashiv, R., (2021). Teachers’ perspectives on educational reform: implementation and contribution. International Journal of Educational Management. 35(1), 173-187. (Q2)
  11. ., Guberman, E., Dahan, O, & Serlin, R., (2021). Professional communities of teacher educators: The characteristics that promote their success. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 24(4), 491-512 (Q1)
  12. & Tsybulsky, D. (2021). Shaping teachers’ perceptions of their role in the digital age through participation in an online PBL-based course. Electronic Journal of e-Learning19(3), 186-198.‏
  13. The Hashkafa programme as a framework for the professional development of teachers: The perceptions of principals. Leadership and policy at school, 19(2), 190-208. (Q1)
  14. Avidov-Ungar, O., & Herscu, O., (2020). Formal professional development as perceived by teachers in different professional life periods. Professional Development in Education, 46(5), 833-844. (Q1)
  15. & Avidov-Ungar, O., (2020). The integration of Digital Game-Based Learning into the Instruction: Teachers’ perceptions at different career stages. TechTrends, 64(6), 887-898. (Q2)
  16. Arar, K., & Avidov-Ungar, O. (2020). Superintendents’ perception of their role and their professional development in an era of changing organizational environment. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 19(3), 462-478. (Q1)
  17. Avidov Ungar, O. (2019).  ICT implementation in colleges of education: A framework for teacher educators. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. 18, 207-229. (Q2)
  18. ). The characteristics and perceptions of teachers engaged in leading professional communities. Teacher development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Professional Development, 23(3), 325-344. (Q1)
  19. . (2019).  Professional development communities of teachers: Israeli principals’ perceptions.Journal of Educational Administration. 57(6), 658-674. (Q1)
  20. & Tsybulsky. D. (2019). Teachers in leadership positions: Experiences of professional career development. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 25(4), 567-585. (Q1)Published online:
  21. (2018). Professional development communities: The perceptions of Israeli teacher-leaders and program coordinators. Professional Development in Education, 44(5), 663-677. (Q1)
  22. & Hanin Yitzhak, L., (2018). Sense of empowerment among school ICT coordinators: Personal, subject-area and leadership empowerment. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 24, 401-417. (Q1)
  23. , & Amir, A., (2018).  Teacher use of online tools in teaching: Development and validation of a questionnaire for secondary school first language teachers Instruments of IT Teaching Methods (ITTM). Computer Assisted Language Learning, 31(7), 675-693. (Q1)
  24. , & Reingold, R., (2018). Israeli Ministry of Education’s district managers’ and superintendents’ role as educational leaders—implementing the new policy for teachers’ professional development. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory & Practice. 21(3), 293-309. (Q1)
  25. Avidov-Ungar, O. (2018), Teacher evaluation following reform: the Israeli perspective. Quality Assurance in Education, 26(4), 511-527. (Q2)
  26. The use of ClassBoost in an education college from the students’ viewpoint. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(6), 816-827. (Q1)
  27. Avidov-Ungar, O. (2018). ‘There should be more cooperation in setting the policy’: Israeli stakeholders’ perceptions of their appropriate role in implementing a new educational reform. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 22(6), 731-748. (Q1)
  28. Avidov-Unger. O., Dahan, O., Serlin, R., Maskit, D., & Reichenberg, R. (2018). ‘Expansive Learning’ in inter-organizational communities of practice shared by teacher educators and policymakers. Dapim, 69, 151-176. [Hebrew] (B)
  29. Leshem, B., Margaliot, A., & Grobgeld, E. (2018). Faculty use of the active learning classroom: Barriers and facilitators. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 495-504. (Q2)
  30. Avidov Ungar, O., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. (2018). Professional identity of teacher educators in the digital era in light of demands of pedagogical innovation. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 73, 183-191. (Q1)
  31. , & Arviv-Elyashiv, R., (2018). Teachers’ perceptions of empowerment and chances of promotion to in-school leadership positions during educational reforms. International Journal of Educational Management, 32(1), 155-170.  (Q2)
  32. , (2018). Empowerment patterns among teachers in leadership positions involving ICT implementation in schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 77(1), 138-163. (Q1)
  33. & Reingold, R. (2017). Inhibiting forces and promoting forces in the professional development reform of teachers in Israel: From policy to practice. The supervisor’s perspective. Iyunim BeMinhal UBeIrgum HaHinuch, 35, 9-36. [Hebrew] (A).
  34. Avidov-Ungar, O. (2017). The school principal as an educational leader: Principals’ attitudes towards their role and functioning in leading the assimilation of professional development policy. Iyunim BeMinhal UBeIrgum HaHinuch, 35, 37-63. [Hebrew] (A).
  35. & Shamir-Inbal, T. (2017) ICT Coordinators’ TPACK-based leadership knowledge in their roles as agents of change. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 169-188.  (Q2)
  36. , (2017). The professional development of the superintendent in a time of reforms and change: The superintendent’ perspective. Dapim, MOFET Institute, 65, 167-189. [Hebrew] (B).
  37. (2016). A model of professional development: Teachers’ perceptions of their professional development. Teacher and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(6), 653–669. (Q1)
  38. ., (2016). School-based professional development as an organizational learning mechanism: The significance of teachers’ involvement. International Journal of Educational Reform, 25(1), 16-37. (Q4) (open access)
  39. ., & Forkosh-Baruch, A., (2016). Perceptions of teacher educators regarding ICT implementation in Israeli colleges of education. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 12, 279-296. Invited manuscript. (open-access journal)
  40. , (2016). Understanding teachers’ attitude among educational reforms through metaphor. International Journal of Educational Research, 77, 117-127. (Q2)
  41. , (2016). Professional development processes of excellent teachers and the manifestations of their excellence in work. Journal of Education and Human Development, 5(3). 122-136.  (Q3)
  42. IT Instructors’ sense of empowerment and viewpoint on the implementation of a national it program. Journal of Computers in Education, 2(2),163-182. (Springer, Q2 computer science, Q3 education)
  43. Reform in professional development policy in Israel, from policy to practice: The attitude of Ministry of Education districts**. Dapim, 52, 207-230. [Hebrew] (B).
  44. , Fridman, I, & Olshtain, E. (2014). Empowerment amongst teachers who hold leadership positions, Teacher and Teaching Theory and Practice, 20(6), 704-720. (Q1)
  45. , & Iluz, I. E. (2014). Levels of IT integration among teacher educators in a teacher education academic college. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 10, 195-216. (computer science Q2, education, Q3)
  46. , & Magen-Nagar, N. (2014). Teachers in a changing world: Attitudes towards organizational change. Journal of Computers in Education, 1(4), 227-249. (Springer, computer science Q2, education, Q3)
  47. Avidov-Ungar, O. (2014). The effect of PITK and TPACK knowledge on IT Instructors’ Sense of empowerment. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 5(1), 48-62. (open-access journal)
  48. Avidov-Ungar, O., & Eshet-Alkalay, Y. (2014). Islands of innovation: A critical analysis of a model for innovation implementation in school systems, Adult Education in Israel, 13, 91-105. (open-access journal). Invited manuscript.
  49. & Eshet-Alkalay, Y. (2014). TPACK revisited: A systemic perspective on measures for predicting effective integration of innovative technologies in school systems. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 13(1), 19-31. (A1, Springer Publishing Company) link
  50. & Shamir-Inbal, T. (2013). Empowerment patterns of leaders in IT and school strengths following the implementation of national IT reform. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 12, 141-158. (Q2) link
  51. & Magen-Nagar, N. (2012). The implications of teachers’ professional attributes on assimilating a computerized learning and management system in an Israeli School: A case study. Creative Education, 3, 116-119. (open-access journal)
  52. . & Eshet-Alkalay, Y. (2011). Teachers in a world of change: Teachers’ knowledge and attitudes towards the implementation of innovative technologies in schools. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning, 7, 291-303. (computer science Q2, education, Q3) link
  53. & Eshet-Alkalay, Y. (2011). The Islands of Innovation model: Opportunities and threats for effective implementation of technological innovation in the education system. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 8, 363-376. (computer science Q2, education, Q3) link
  54. , Fridman, T., Olshtain, A. (2011). Types of empowerment amongst teachers in elementary schools in Israel: Limited empowerment, rewarding empowerment and empowerment generating change. Iyunim BeMinhal UBeIrgum HaHinuch, 32, 153-184. [Hebrew] (A).
  55. (2010). ‘Islands of Innovation” or “Comprehensive Innovation” assimilating educational technology in teaching, learning, and management: A case study of school networks in Israel. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 6, 259-280. (computer science Q2, education Q3) file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/article_44786%20(3).pdf
  56. Telem, M., & Avidov, O. (1995). The Effect of School Management Information Systems on the Nature of a Loosely Coupled High School Instruction–Administration Subsystem: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 28(2), 258-269.‏
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